"Anne with an E": Anne Shirley as a Feminist Icon

I'm a huge fan of "Anne of Green Gables". Is one of my favourite children classic, if not one of my all-time favourite books. Anne Shirles is such a huge inspiration to me, and I find her so relatable. I'm also a huge fan of the TV series "Anne with an E". It's so well done, and I always recommend it to everyone. In celebration of Season 3, I decided to post this essay. I hope you enjoy it! With her in it, no place is ever boring (Montgomery, 1908). Anne Shirley, the main character of the beloved children classic Anne of Green Gables , has been an inspiration for young women for more than a century. The community of Avonlea admires her determination, ambition and intelligence, which are the qualities that make her stand out among other girls. There is strong debate on whether this book should be categorised as ‘feminist’ or not. Anne’s independence is quite revolutionary for that period, but she still makes some conventional choices. Although the ...